Just a quick thought I wanted to share with all of you before I get on my treadmill.
With 2012 approaching I have noticed that they are playing a lot more 'end of the world' themed programs on TV and in the theaters. Just the other evening I was watching a very depressing program on some lost book that they found of Nostradamus’s predictions and of course it is all doom and gloom, or are we just interpreting it that way? The sleeping prophet Edgar Cacey and many other cultures have also predicted many trials and tribulations during this time in earth’s cycle. It seems that human kind has some big decisions to make!
I know that we have to change the way we live and change our priorities. Try to focus less on materialistic ideals and more on spiritual ones, now remember I am not talking religion here. I know that the world goes through natural cycles, all of nature does but I do believe that our lifestyles are playing a large roll in changing the earth’s climates more rapidly then it would do naturally. I know some of you would disagree with me regarding this and yes we all have a right to our opinions because in the end it really doesn’t matter if we agree or disagree because what is going to happen is going to happen regardless of what we choose to believe!
I am trying my best to make a difference it is only in a small way and I hope there are many others out there that are doing the same in trying to live a more earth friendly and spiritual lifestyle. It is VERY difficult in this day and age with our modern lifestyle to not leave footprints behind. So David and I try to not be such consumers. We try to purchase only what we really need not what we want because we always want that's part of being human! If we don’t need something we give it to someone who can use it!
I love the modern lifestyle personally I would never want to go back to the horse and carriage days. Although one good thing is that I would be able to actually drive if we did lol! The lifestyle of the past is not very user friendly for those of us with disabilities. I love doing my art, being able to take time to read a good book or to watch something interesting on TV, I love to go on the Internet and see places that I will probably NEVER get to see in person. I love being able to turn on my stove and cook dinner or just run some hot water in my tub and have a nice bath. Only one hundred years ago our lifestyles and doing these tasks that we take for granted were much different! Things have evolved so quickly in such a short time! What does that mean?
I really hope that most of Nostradamus’s predictions will not come true; they say that many of them already have. I hope that the world as we know it will not end in 2012 or change dramatically because of some celestial event! If it did those few who might survive will basically have to start all over again, personally I think that would suck big time! If reincarnation is real then it is very likely that I have already lived this way in a past life so why would I want to do it again, I wouldn’t! I am hoping for a more Star Trek sort of future where humans live in a world where nature and technology live in harmony because I believe it can be this way!!
Can you imagine if we had to start all over again we would be so busy hunting, washing clothes by hand, cooking, and gardening that we wouldn’t have the time to enjoy life the way we are use to. No time to be creative, to travel, read or just go for lunch and a chai late with a love one and so on. We would just live our lives trying to survive; I hope it never comes to that! Now I realize that a lot of people don’t actually have or for that matter take the time to enjoy their lives. I think if we want to evolve spiritually we HAVE to make the time even if it is just a little each day only minutes can make a big difference!
I think wanting less would lower our stress levels. Why do people what so much, fancy cars, monster sized homes. They have boxes of unused stuff stashed away and for what! Clothing hanging in closets that they haven't used in years and why? Why can't people actually use their clothing until they actually start to ware out instead of purchasing new things every year because some person they don't know tells them it is no longer in style? Why can't people just settle for a bit less it is only stuff after all! We spend years and years accumulating stuff that can be gone in a heartbeat. At the tender age of twenty-one I learned this when an arsonist burned down my apartment and all my cherished material items were destroyed in a matter of hours but the most important thing was still in tact and that was me! Now today I have all new stuff and a new appreciation for it as well as different priorities!
I know there is a lot of greed and corruption out there and that we are taking a lot from this planet with out giving back but I am still going to have hope that we are not doomed to destroy ourselves in the not too distant future. I suspect that disease will decrease the population of the earth, after all this does happen in nature all the time, that is when humankind doesn’t try to play God and try to supposedly improve on nature! It was done right the first time people so leave it the fuck alone!
Someone told me that maybe they put these programs on TV to help change people to live better lives. Maybe this is true but these programs won’t change the wealthy greedy companies who are doing the most damage and it certainly doesn’t change the ones who just don’t believe that our earth is in danger they just laugh and say it is bullshit and watch some mindless trite on another channel.
I am going to keep my fingers crossed that 2012 will just pass uneventfully and that the world and all of those who dwell on her just slowly evolve and change as we have done for thousands of years! Even though I chose to not have children myself I hope that there is a brighter future ahead for all of your children. My hope is that your children are educated enough and open minded enough to make a difference to live life in a more earth friendly way!